Items You Must Always Keep in Your Car (And Others That Maybe You Should)

You already know the sales team at Client can provide you with a top-of-the-line vehicle, and our service team can provide you with whatever maintenance needs you might have to keep your vehicle in excellent shape. However, its good to be prepared for any needs you might have while out on the road as well. That’s why we’ve come up with this handy list of items you should consider keeping in your vehicle for various roadside needs. Some of these are a necessity, and some of these are mere suggestions, so take a look at the list below and consider what might be important for you and your passengers.
Must Haves
Think about some of the worst situations you can find yourself in on the road, and they usually involve being stranded on the side of the road for whatever reason. What are the typical reasons this can happen and what can you have on hand to help in these situations?
- Flat Tire: All modern vehicles come standard with a spare tire and a jack kit, but make sure you know how to use them and make sure everything is in good condition, which includes making sure the spare is properly inflated.
- Dead Battery: Make sure you buy a decent quality set of jumper cables. They don’t need to be top-of-the-line, but don’t get the cheapest set you can find, either. The rubber insulation around a poor quality set of jumper cables can quickly melt and cause much worse problems.
- Empty Gas Tank: Keep an empty gas can in your trunk in case you run out of gas before you reach a station. Make sure the can is good quality with a modern safety mechanism on the spout (now required by many local laws). But don’t keep any gasoline inside your vehicle or in the trunk, because hazardous fumes can accumulate over time.
Don’t forget that the laws in most US states require drivers to always carry a state vehicle registration and proof of insurance, as well as a valid driver’s license.
Nice To Have
There is often a fine line between necessity and convenience, and that’s even more true out on the road. Here are a few items that you can definitely live without, but they can come in handy in a pinch.
- Flashlight: Imagine trying to change a tire at night in the middle of nowhere without a light source.
- First Aid Kit: Hopefully this one never gets used, but if first aid is ever needed, a simple first aid kit can make a huge difference while waiting for EMTs to arrive.
- Multi-tool: These great tools are becoming more advanced, offering dozens of useful tools in one. You can never know what kind of tool you’ll need in an emergency, so it’s good to have one that can do it all if nothing else.
- Cell Phone Charger or Spare Battery: Speaking of tools that can do it all, cell phones have become indespensible in our modern lives, so make sure you can always get connected when out on the road.
- Paper Map: But take precautions just in case your phone does die or you can’t get a signal. A paper map can be a lifesaver if you get lost without the ability to connect to the internet and get directions on a smartphone.
- Paper Products: Keep some paper towels, napkins, or tissues around to clean up spills in your vehicle.
Windshield Ice Scraper: For those frosty cold mornings when you don’t have time to wait for the defroster.
Tire Pressure Gauge: A cheap device that can help you properly inflate your tires.
In Case of Emergency
Depending on your region and the kind of driving you expect, some of the items below might seem excessive, but it’s still good to consider how useful these items might be if you find yourself stranded in remote areas or with significant problems on the side of the road:
- Fire extinguisher (make sure it’s properly charged and annually inspected)
- Road flares and reflective signs
- Emergency escape tool (auto-glass breaker)
- Bottled water
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Towels
- Blankets
- Gloves
- Full change of clothes and shoes
- Duct tape (the simple solution to thousands of life's problems)
- Extended tool kit
- Weather radio
- Matches or lighter
- Spare plastic bags
- Tire Traction Material (tough material that can be placed under the tires for better traction when spinning in snow or ice)
- Portable Battery Jump Starter (in case there's no one else around for a jump)
This is certainly a comprehensive list. Some of the items on this list may be unneccessary for some drivers, and there may be some items important for you that are not on this list. The best thing you can do is think about all of the situations you have been in before, and all of the situations that could happen to you considering the kind of driving you do and the kind of places you drive.
The staff at Client are happy to help figure out what makes the most sense for you and your vehicle. Plus, our Service Center offers a full selection of many of these automotive necessities in our vast selection of genuine parts and accessories. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.