Know the Signs of ‘Healthy’ Tires

Tire health is easily overlooked until there’s an emergency, but don’t wait for a blowout to get them checked out. Tired tires result in unsafe driving conditions and limited control, and just because your tires aren’t 10 years old doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Tire health depends on factors that vary greatly from driver to driver, so it’s important to check your tires regularly to stay on the safe track.
Healthy Tires
Tires are only as effective as their ability to grip the road, which all depends on tread. Regularly rotated tires last longer because their wear is evenly distributed. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration sets the cutoff at 2/32 inches for the minimum safe tread depth.
Check your tread depth by inserting a penny, facing you, into one of the treads, Lincoln’s head first. If all you can see is Lincoln’s forehead, your tread is at a safe level. If you can see his hair, it’s almost new-tire time, and if you can see the top of his head or any space above his head, you need new tires immediately!
Unhealthy Tires
If your tires display any of these symptoms, it’s time for replacement:
Wear bars are visual signals built into U.S. tires that only show when your tire tread is wearing. If you can see these bars, which look like bridges across the treads, that tire has reached its expiration date. This one is easy, if you can see any metal sticking out of the rubber of your tires, you need to seek immediate assistance.
Bulging tires are also a sign of wear. If your tire looks like it’s gained a bit of weight around the middle, it may need replacing.
Visible wires on your tire are bad news. These wires come from metal belts that are meant to strengthen the tire, but are not meant to contact the road. If your tire is showing its wires, it has done its time.
Age plays a part, especially for spare tires that sit in your trunk without use. If you know you’ve had a spare for a long time, it could be worthwhile to get it checked out before a long road trip to approve it for use. You don't want to find out that's no good when you absolutely need it.
Regularly checking your tires is a small step to help avoid a big headache later on. Stop by the Client Service Center for a tire tune-up and roll out worry-free.